An eagle sits in the window and on the desk. Since it is an established illusion the light from the window is not an external light, and it seems to match the interior fluorescent light on the ceiling in tone and color (more accurately, it's lack of color). Outside the window, or screen - since it is not a true window - are the same trees that make up the walls of the labyrinth where Jack will be killed. Susie, the secretary (an employee of the hotel), has red hair like the woman at the front desk.

JACK Nice to meet you, Mr Ullman.
ULLMAN This is my secretery, Susie.
SUSIE Hello.
JACK Susie, how do you do?
ULLMAN Any trouble finding us?
JACK No problem at all, I made the trip in three and a half hours.
ULLMAN Well that's very good time. Well, please sit down a minute. Jack, just make yourself at home. Would you like some coffee?
JACK Well if you're going to have some I wouldn't mind, thanks.
ULLMAN Susie? (answers 'sure') And would you ask Bill Watson to join us?
SUSIE Yes, I will.